Privacy and Security

Nothing is more important to us at Legaltime than the security and privacy of your data. Legaltime is an online, web-based application. The Legaltime program runs on our servers and you access it through the web browser on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Legaltime runs on Microsoft Azure which is Microsoft's global cloud computing platform.

Since your data is stored securely in the Microsoft cloud, it will be safe and available if:

  • Your computer is lost or stolen
  • Your computer gets a virus
  • Your computer's hard drive fails
  • You get a new computer
  • You're away from your computer and need access

Other Security Features

All data transmitted between your computer's browser and our servers is encrypted using 128-bit SSL security. This is the same technology used for online stock trading.

You can always download your data from Legaltime to your local computer using our Export functions. It's your data and you have complete access to it.

Use a strong password... avoid simple dictionary words, include numbers and symbols, use it only for Legaltime.

Your Information Is Private

With the exception of processing your credit card payment for the service, information you enter into Legaltime will never be sold, shared, disclosed, or otherwise made available to anyone.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.